Ensures Complete Digestion of Gluten and Casein
Gluten is a family of proteins found in wheat, whereas casein is 80% of protein found in dairy. These proteins are difficult to digest because they are high in the amino acids proline and glutamine, which our digestive enzymes don’t recognize.[1][15] As a result, they’re likely to remain undigested and stimulate the immune system, causing inflammation and autoimmunity.
Gluten in particular can open the gut barrier through the zonulin pathway, exposing the content inside the gut to your immune system. In people predisposed for autoimmunity or allergies, the leaky gut from gluten may trigger or worsen the disease.[3] Incompletely digested gluten fragments can also get absorbed into the bloodstream and have opioid-like activities.[4]
Most dairy in North America have A1 casein, which is a common food allergen. Incompletely digested casein fragments may have opioid-like activities, as mother nature designs milk to help babies bond with their mothers. However, beyond infancy, A1 casein is a strong gut irritant that can irritate and inflame the gut, and slow down gut movement by acting like opiates.[15]
Gluten and dairy can cause leaky gut, allowing the incomplete fragments to enter the bloodstream. Some people with compromised blood-brain barriers may experience the opiate effects from these foods. Not surprisingly, people with food addictions and emotional eating often turn to gluten and dairy. Studies suggest that some people with neurologic or mental health conditions may find their nervous system better balanced without gluten and dairy.[5]
If you are healthy or experience minor discomfort with gluten and dairy, it is important to take a gluten-digesting enzyme to ensure that they are 100% digested if you do eat them.
If you have severe symptoms or flare-ups after eating gluten, you need to completely avoid gluten. However, a gluten-digesting enzyme may help with minor accidental exposure. Keep in mind, however, that Gluten Guardian is not approved to treat or prevent any disease.
Enjoy Occasional High-Carb Refeed Meals and Treats Without the Bloat from Gluten and Dairy
If you are on a restrictive diet or reaching a plateau with your weight loss program, a refeed meal allows you to enjoy your favorite foods and jumpstarts your metabolism. Even if you’re not dieting, you may want to enjoy your favorite treats while avoiding the harmful health effects.
The problem is that eating a lot of carbs, sugar, and gluten can often cause digestive upsets and inflammation. Therefore, it is important to supplement with gluten-digesting and carbohydrate-digesting enzymes. Gluten Guardian is designed to ensure that your digestion is optimal and prevent digestive upset from these refeed meals or treats.
Take Advantage of Your Cheat Meal for Muscle Building
Your cheat or refeed meals are a way to spike your insulin levels to get glucose and amino acids into your muscle cells and replenish your glycogen stores. If you do the refeed right, you will experience better workout during the first few days after your refeed. Also, some people use holiday meals and social events as refeeds to maximize muscle gain, fuel their workouts, and minimize fat gain. In order to maximize muscle building and minimize inflammation, your protein digestion and absorption have to be optimal.
Inflammation and leaky gut can contribute to leptin and insulin resistances, which may make you more likely to gain fat from these refeed meals.[6][7] Gluten Guardian can help ensure optimal digestion, minimize undigested gluten and casein, and promote a balanced immune response. Also, AstraZyme can help maximize amino acid and peptide absorption.
Reduces Post-Meal Fatigue and Brain Fog
Being tired and brain-fogged after meals are signs that your gut is working hard to digest your meals, and that you are getting inflammation from your food. A meal should simply take away your hunger, not put you to sleep. Gluten Guardian helps digest the hardest to digest gluten and casein, and also provides overall digestive support. As a result, you will feel both satiated and energized after your meals.
Helps With Accidental Gluten and Dairy Exposure
People with celiac disease and gluten allergies need to completely avoid gluten. Also, many people with inflammatory symptoms, including difficulty losing weight, are likely to have gluten intolerances, so they may find it beneficial to go gluten-free. The problem is that it takes only “parts per million” of gluten to cause severe symptoms in celiacs and gluten intolerant people, so it can be a challenge to eat out or enjoy social occasions. If the kitchen handles gluten, chances are the gluten-free dishes are contaminated with some gluten.
The Aspergillus DPP IV has been shown to digest gluten in the gut of healthy people. People who took the enzyme had no trace of gluten left in their stomach at 1 hour, compared to 3 hours with the placebo.[8] Also, the combination of DPP IV with pepsin (a stomach protease), such as found in Gluten Guardian®, can significantly reduce more gluten peptides than either enzyme alone.[9]
Gluten-digesting enzymes do not give a free pass for celiacs and gluten intolerant people to eat as much gluten as they want. However, many well-controlled Celiacs find these enzymes helpful in cases of accidental gluten or dairy exposure. Some find that it provides significant relief after gluten exposure. However, Gluten Guardian is not approved to treat any conditions and individual responses may vary widely. Remember to work with your healthcare professional to decide what’s best for you.
Helps With Leaky Gut and Food Sensitivities
Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, allows partially digested foods and bacterial toxins to reach the bloodstream and stimulate the immune system. Many people with leaky gut develop food sensitivities and allergies, with gluten and dairy being two of the most common culprits.
Optimizing your overall digestion, and ensuring that gluten and casein are completely digested, can support gut barrier health. These may also help mitigate food sensitivities.