Quicksilver Scientific

Nanoemulsified D3K2


Vitamin D may be one of the most critical nutrients for overall health. Vitamin D may allow our body to efficiently absorb calcium and can contribute to healthy bones. It may help with normal immune function, can help regulate inflammation, and can contribute to balanced mood. Vitamin D is very effective when taken in conjunction with vitamin K.

Though small amounts of vitamin D2 are found in foods like egg yolk, almonds, salmon and cheese, the vitamin D3 form is up to ten times more effective than D2 at raising 25(OH)D-- the major circulating form of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin K2 works in harmony with Vitamin D. and may reduce harmful deposits of calcium into our arteries, kidneys, joints and soft tissues. Vitamin K2 can also assist vitamin D in keeping our bones strong. Quicksilver’s formula contains a highly bioactive form of vitamin K2 called menaquinone-7, or MK-7. It has a long half-life linked to stable serum levels.


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